Hi everyone my name is bob jablonski i am a tax resolution specialist and today i'm going to help you complete a form 433 f so the irs has a number of forum 433s each of them is called a collection information statement where they are compiling information on your assets your liabilities your income and your a lot expenses to get an idea of what you can afford to pay the irs there are a few different 433 forums there's a 433a the 433a forum is when a revenue officer is involved in a personal collection issue 433bs are related to businesses that are not sole proprietorships 433 aoic is related to an offering compromise we're going to talk about some of these forms later on in the next weeks or months today we're going to concentrate on a 433f this is what most taxpayers are going to have to deal with when you're dealing with automated collections acs which is anytime you owe the irs and you're calling an 800 number you're typically calling the calling acs they may ask you for a form 433 f if you are not getting into a full payment resolution with a debt today it's under 250 000 dollars up to 250 000 you might not be required for a 433 as long as you get into a full payment plan if not then they're going to request this of you so this is what i'm going to help you they may ask you to do this verbally by phone or they may ask to go through this with you for you to fax them the written version so we're going to just walk through how to how to complete this form so in this case we're going to just start typing...
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Form 433-F vs. Form 433-b